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Every minute of every hour of every day you are making the world, just as you are making yourself, and you might as well do it with generosity and kindness and style.

— Rebecca Solnit

Meet Marta

Firstborn, Cinderella, Artemis, Guinevere

Why a Personal WebsiTE?

Imagine, if you would, being seated in the middle of a grandstand. The stands are full of folks fascinated by the details of your life—all the roads taken, crossroad pauses, rainstorms and rainbows that have met you. You sit before them, unfold the playing pieces from a color-filled cloth satchel into the sandbox and begin presenting the “bit and pieces” of your life. Holding each playing piece, turning it over in your hand, you feel its texture, remark on its lustre, bow to its beauty. There is one place in the sand that holds each piece perfectly, and in that spot its sparkle dazzles the filled grandstand. Piece by piece the story of YOUR life unfolds before you—and you and your fans see its intricacies, its struggles and flowering—the richness and privilege of LIVING a LIFE on EARTH NOW.

This describes a Personal Website as I see it. The Internet is the Grandstand. The fans are all of you interested enough to leaf through these pages, curiously, kindly. I present the bits & pieces of my life in the sand tray container, and we both watch as they begin to form a story that shines with humility, simplicity, and exquisite singularity.

There is no economic or commercial aim here, no evangelism or prosletizing, merely a desire to explore and share what the days (and nights) have blown my way. May we enjoy it together.

Suburban living in the 50's

Lillian & William Keller (parents)

Wedding day and 50 years later 


Laurel (sister), Kathryn (sister), William (father), and Ted (brother)

Daughters & Husband

Keli & Alee (daughters), and David (husband)


Dave & Marta, Keli & Ken, Alee & Bradley

4-Legged Family

Lacy, Crow, Dollie & KC (cat)

Blizzard and his mom, Sugar Plum

House & Home

Little House in La Veta

The Salon & Marta Moore Art

West Spanish Peak

These photos/art work(s) were made by Marta Moore. Please ask permission if you wish to use them.

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