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told by Clarrisa Pinkola -Estes 

There is a hank of beard which is kept at the convent of the white nuns in the far mountains.  How it came to the convent no one knows.  Some say it was the nuns who buried what was left of his body, for no one else would touch it.  Why the nuns would keep such a relic is unknown, but it is true.  My friend’s friend has seen it with her own eyes.  She says the beard is blue, indigo-colored to be exact.  It is as blue as the dark ice in the lake, as blue as the shadow of a hole at night .  the beard  was once worn by one who they say was a failed magician, a giant man with an eye for women, a man known by the name of BLUEBEARD,


‘Twas said he counted three sisters at the same time.  But they were frightened of his beard with its odd blue cast, and so they hid when he called.  In an effort to convince them of his geniality he invited them on an outing in the forest.  He arrived leading horses arrayed in bells and crimson ribbons.  He set the sisters and their mother upon the horses and off they catered into the forest.  There they had a most wonderful day riding, and their dogs ran beside and ahead.  Later they stopped beneath a giant tree and Bluebeard regaled them with stories and fed them dainty treats.


The sister began the thing” Well, perhaps this man  Bluebeard is not so bad after all.”  


They returned home all a-chatter about how interesting the day had been, and did they not have a good time?  Yet, the two older sisters’ suspicions and fears returned and they vowed not to see Bluebeard again.  But the youngest sister thought if a man could be that charming, then perhaps he was not so bad.  The more she talked to herself, the less awful he seemed, and also the less blue his beard.  


So when Bluebeard asked for her hand in marriage, she accepted.  She had given his proposal great thought and felt she was to marry a very elegant man.  Marry they did, and after, rold off to his castle in the woods. 


One day he came to her and said, “I must go away for a time.  Invite your family here is you like.  You may ride in the wood, charge the cooks to set a feast, you may do anything you  like, anything you heart desires.  In fact, here is my ring of keys.  You may open any and every door to the storerooms, the money rooms, any door in the castle; but this little tiny key, the one with the scrollwork on top, do not use.” 


His bride replied, “Yes, I will do as you ask.  It all sounds very fine.  So, go, my dear husband. and do not have a worry and come back soon”  And so off he rode and she stayed.


Her sisters came to visit and they were, as all souls are, very curious about what the Master had said was to be done while he was asw way.  The young wife gaily told them.


“”He said we made do anything we desire and enter any room we wish, except one.  But I don’t know which one it is.  I just have a key and I don’t know which door it fits.”


The sisters decided to make a game of finding which keyfit which door.  The castle was three stories high, with a hundred doors in each wind, and as there were many keys on the ring, they crept from door to door having an immensely good time throwing open each door.  Behind one door were the kitchen stories, behind another the money stores.  All manner of holding were behind the doors and everything seemed more wonderful all the time.   At last, having seen all these marvels, they came finally to the cellar and, at the end of the corridor, a blank wall.


They puzzled over the last key, the one with the little scrollwork on top.  “Maybe this key doesn’t fit anything at all.” As they said this, they heard an odd sound - “ERRRR/”  They peeked around the corner, and - lo and behold! - there was a small door just closing.  When they tried to open it again, it was firmly locked.  One credit, “sister, sister, bring your key.  Surely this is the door for that mysterious little key.”


Without a thought one of the sisters put the key in the door and turned it.  The lock scolded, the door swung open, but it was so dark inside they could not see.


“Sister, sister, bring a candle”  So a candle was lit and held into the room and all three women screamed at once, for in the room was a mire of blood and the blackened bones of corpses were flung about and skulls were stacked in corners like pyramids of apples.


They slammed the door shut, shook the key out of the lock, and leaned against one another  gasping, breasts heaving.  My God !! My God !!


The wife looked down at the key and saw it was stained with blood.  Horrified, she use the skirt of her gown to wipe it clean, but the blood prevailed.  “Oh, no!” she cried.  EAch sister took the tiny key in her hand and tried to make it as it once was, but the blood remained.


The wife hid the tiny key in her pocket and ran to the cook’s kitchen .  When she arrived, her white dress was stained red from pocket to hem, for the key was slowly weeping drops of dark red blood..  She ordered the cook, quick, give me some horse hair”  She scoured the key, but it would not stop bleeding.  Drop after drop of pure red blood issued from the tiny key.


She took the key outdoors, and from the oven she pressed ashes onto it, and scrubbed some more.  She held it to the heat to sear it.  She laid cobweb over it to staunch the flow, but nothing could make the weeping blood subside.


“Oh, what am I to do?” she cried “I know, I’ll up the little key away.  I’ll put it in the wardrobe.  I’ll close the door.  This is a bad dream. Al will be alright.”  And this she did do.


Her husband came home the very next morning and he strode into the castle calling for his wife.  “Well?  How was it while I was away?”


“It was very fine, sir”
“and how are my storerooms?” he rumbled

“Very fine, sir”

:How are my money rooms?” he growled

“The money rooms are very fine also, sir”

“So everything's good, wife?”

“Well, he whispered, “then you’d best return my keys”


Within a glance he saw a key was missing.  “Where is the smallest key?”

“I… I Lost it.  Yes, I lost it.  I was out riding and the key ring fell down and I must have lost a key.”

“What have you done with it, woman?”

“I...I...don’t remember.”

“”Don’t lie to me!  Tell me what you did with that key!”


He put his hand to her face as if to caress her cheek, but instead seized her hair.  “You infidel!” he snarled, and threw her to the floor.  “You’ve been into the room haven’t you?”


He threw open her wardrobe and the little key on the top shelf had bled blood red down all the beautiful silks of her gowns hanging there.


“Now it’s your turn, my lady,”he screamed, and dragged her down the hall and into the cellar till they were before the terrible door.  Bluebeard merely looked at the door with his fiery eyes and the door opened for him.  There lay the skeletons of all his previous wives.

“And now!!!” he roared, but she caught hold of the door frame and would not let go .   She pleaded for her life,  “Please! Please allow me to compose myself and prepare for my death.  Give me but a quarter hour before you take my life so I can make my peace with God”


‘All right,” he snarled, “you have but a quarter of an hour, but be ready.”


The wife raced up the stairs to her chamber and posted her sisters on the castle ramparts.,  She knelt to pray, but instead called out to her sisters.  “Sisters, sisters! do you see our brothers coming?”

We see nothing, nothing on the open plains “


EVery few moments she cried up to the ramparts, “sisters, sisters! Do you see our brothers coming?”

“We see nothing, nothing on the open plains.”


Every Few moments she cried up to the ramparts, “sisters, sisters!  Do you see our brothers coming?”

“we see a whirlwind, perhaps a dust devil in the distance”


Meanwhile Bluebeard roared for his wife to come to the cellar so he could behead her.


Again she called out, “sister, sisters! Do you see our brothers coming?”


Bluebeard shouted for his wife again and began to climb up the stone steps.  

Her sisters cried out, “Yes!  We see them !  Our brothers are here and they have just entered the castle”


Bluebeard strode down the hall toward his wife’s chamber.  “I am coming to get you,” he bellowed. His footfalls were dense; the rocks in the hallway came loose, the sand from the mortar poured onto the floor. 


As Bluebeard lumbered into her chamber with his hands outstretched to seize her, her brothers on horseback followed down the castle hallway and changed into her room as well.  There they routed Bluebeard out onto the parapet.  There and then, with swords, they advanced upon him, stabbing and slashing, cutting and whipping, beating Bluebeard won to the ground, killing him at last and leaving for the buzzards his blood and gristle.

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