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I'm old and in my life I have met many grand teachers, writers, sages, friends, books, poems, quotes, letters, emails, chats.  So much has come my way in so many forms, and I earnestly try to bring it home and place it in my body or memory somewhere that I and the speaker might benefit.  I often forget the details - who said what when - and wish that I hadn't but there's no changing an aging, frayed memory system.  In this website I wish to honor all that I say and present, giving names where I can and credit to a source.  Many times I may not be able to do that and may even sound like I claim it for my own.  I offer an apology to those I might slight, overlook, misrepresent, falsely quote or in some way make smaller.  Please correct me if you wish and accept my apology in earnest.  I will make amends if I am able.


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